Morning Journal Prompts to Start Your Day With Intention

I don’t think that anybody really needs another blog post about what an odd time this is, so I will bypass that sentiment and just assume we are all on the same page. Yeah?

Journaling has been my favorite way to reflect, practice mindfulness, and start my day for years. It’s a practice that feels both super simple and super deep at the same time. Sometimes my journal sessions are 5 minutes, sometimes I end up writing for an hour. My general advice for journaling is to not force it too much and instead tune into what your brain really needs. That’s really the purpose of practicing mindfulness anyway - to tune us out from what we think we should be doing, and instead to really tune into ourselves and what we need.

Especially during times of stress, having a routine can be a gentle reminder that things are going to be OK. While I don’t always start my days the exact same way, I find that when I’m feeling particularly anxious, unsettled, or overwhelmed utilizing a set of morning journaling prompts makes me feel more grounded. There’s also just something deeply satisfying about knowing you started your day off with self care. You go, you!

These are the morning journal prompts that I often use to start my day. I find that when I start my day with gratitude and a list of things that I can get done (not the same thing as a to-do list!) I feel a lot prepared going into the day ahead, rather than running around like a super caffeinated chicken with her head cut off going: What’s going to happen today?! Who knows!!! It’s a mystery!!! In particular these prompts help me focus on the things I can control and are a nice reminder that I can choose how I show up - the prompt how do I want to feel at the end of the day? always reminds me that I can choose how the work day goes. Wild, right?!

Morning journal prompts are a great way to kickstart your journaling practice! I like to do mine with a big cup of coffee.

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