Daily Journal Prompts

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Me, journaling.

Me, journaling.

There’s nothing quite like journaling. I remember describing writing in my diary to my mom when I was in middle school as getting all of my feelings and big thoughts out of my head and putting them onto paper. For as long as I can remember I’ve kept some type of journal, even if said journal is just a rambling assortment of lists, doodles, and expletives. If you haven’t tried writing the word FUCK a ton of times when you’re in a bad mood, it’s magical. Try it out. Tell me how it feels.

I often get asked for tips on how to start journaling, and I really think for most people the biggest tip is just to start. Some people love the act of just writing. There’s a whole school of thought (that came from The Artist’s Way) that writing 3 pages stream-of-consciousness style each morning will completely change your life. I get that it works for some people but, I need homework. I have always thrived on having a task to do, even with something like mindfulness. That’s why, after a lot of trial, error, and research, I’ve created journaling prompts that work for me. I find that easier to do than just…. writing about my feelings. That might work for you, and it definitely does for me on some days, but more often than not I need a little direction.

The prompts listed here are, and I kid you not, the exact prompts that I use for my daily journaling practice. I find that it’s helpful to have numbers (ex: three affirmations) to start with. That way, I can write more if I want to, or I can just call it quits at 3. The prompts are designed to prompt mindfulness without being totally open ended - they shouldn’t take you forever. They inspire me when I am feeling completely stuck on what to write, and I find that they often lead me into journal flow. For as much as I adore being spontaneous and having a flexible schedule, I crave routine. I’ve been using these prompts as a foundation for my journaling for years, and I love looking back into old journals and seeing the kinds of affirmations that I wrote. The responses always speak to exactly where I was at in the present moment. That kind of reflection, to avoid being crazy cheesy, has completely changed my life.

These prompts ground me, inspire me, and challenge me. Exactly what I want in a mindfulness practice. I hope that they help get your journaling juices (gross, did I just write that?) flowing.

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