60 Minute Restorative Yoga with Guided CBD Self-Massage

Currently listening: Mad Ritual + Donuts and Down Dog Yoga Playlist

Hi friends!

I’m excited to share with you one of my longest (possibly the longest??) yoga videos yet - a 60-minute restorative yoga class with an optional guided self-massage. This originally aired as a live event on Facebook, so the video quality isn’t super crisp, but ideally you’ll be laying on your mat with your eyes closed for most of the time and shouldn’t need to look at the screen too much.

This specific event was hosted on #NationalSleepDay​ (March 19, 2021) in partnership with Mad Ritual, a Seattle-based CBD company. Class is a 60-minute restorative class combining the best elements of restorative yoga, yin yoga (deep stretching), and athletic recovery for a full-body release. We also combined CBD self-massage to get deeeep into sore muscles (CBD is proven to be anti-inflammatory. Think of it like natures ibuprofen!). Class is designed to get your body and brain set up for a deep night of relaxation. You might even fall asleep! Class is all-levels friendly. You will want a soft surface, like a yoga mat or towel, to practice on.

If you would like to practice with music, the playlist that I created for this class is here. The playlist is slightly longer than class so that you can play it before and after to settle in to a relaxing headspace. I hope you enjoy!


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