(Video) 10-Minute Yoga Flow

A mindset that I am constantly battling against (both with myself and with my students), is that workouts need to be lengthy to “count”.

Because so many fitness classes are around one hour long, I constantly find myself feeling like I “cheated” if I did something shorter. I’m not alone. The majority of women (both friends and clients!) I talked to about this agree - we’ve been told we need to work out for hours each week to be “fit”, and anything less than that is lazy.

Bottom line: any movement is better than nothing.

Moving your body in any way is still a win in my book, especially if you’re strapped for time. Think about it this way - would it be better for you to lay on the couch all day because you couldn’t fit in a 60-minute walk? Or would it be better to lay on the couch for 23 hours and 50 minutes so that you can move for a brisk ten minutes? (This is, to be clear, not a jab at couch days. I live for couch days). Finding a productive way to move your body (and a healthy relationship with it) for a few minutes a day is still movement. It still counts.

This has been a challenging mindset for me to separate myself from (to say the least), but something I’m actively working to accept. Do I still sign myself up for the odd 60-minute Peloton class “for fun”? Of course, I do. I’m a millennial human woman, I can’t help my instincts. But am I also working hard to embrace the days where 10 minutes rolling around on my yoga mat is the best I can do? Absolutely.

This ten-minute yoga flow is designed to activate all your major muscle groups. It’s perfect to use a warmup for a longer workout, or as a quick workout if you’re short on time.

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