Feeling blue this Mother's Day? Join me for a day of yoga


I'm going to get right to the point - I know Mother's Day can be a really hard day.

I lost my mom to colon cancer in 2010. It feels like yesterday and a lifetime all at the same time. Every year on Mother's Day I find myself feeling really lonely. It feels particularly obvious that you don't have a mom when there is a whole day dedicated to people hanging out with their moms. I realized a few years ago that I could make the day suck slightly less if I scheduled fun, self-care-centric activities for myself. It's nice to have something to look forward to. It's also been REALLY helpful connecting with other people who “get” it. People that won't judge my grief, won't freak out when I burst into tears, and also won't think I'm totally nuts if I'm able to laugh about it all.

With that in mind, I'm hosting three virtual Mother's Day yoga classes for people that might not otherwise enjoy the holiday.

These classes are for anybody and everybody. Join us if you've lost your mom, you have a toxic relationship with your mom, you've decided to be childless, you're dealing with infertility, you're a caretaker, you're a tired mama that wants some ALONE time, or anything in between. 

What I'm trying to say is: these classes are for anybody that struggles on Mother's Day. 

Here are a few details:

☽ There are 3 yoga classes on Mother's Day at 9 AM, 4 PM, AND 5:30 PM PST.

☽  Classes are all-levels, all-bodies friendly. 

☽  Each class will center around self-care, being kind to ourselves, and embracing any big emotions that you might be feelin'.

☽ You'll be (virtually!) surrounded by other people who get what you're going through. Without judgment.

☽ You don't have to leave your house, turn on your camera, or stifle any ugly crying. 

The link to sign up is below. I hope that you join us! If you think this would resonate with a friend, please send it their way. 


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