Lower Body Burner Workout

MARCH 2020 PIN.png

By no means do I claim to be a YouTube expert, but my first burner workout video has been my most popular dip into the world of workout videos thus far. I don’t believe in reinventing the wheel, so I’m back with more lower body burning goodness! I recorded this workout yesterday and I am…. feeling the after effects today. My legs are noodles. It hurts so good.

This workout can be done without equipment, but if you want a little more burn you have the option to incorporate sliders (these are the ones I use) or a hand towel on a slick surface. If you haven’t used sliders in your workout before, they are a fun (and hard!) way to add resistance and access muscles that you may not normally work.

DON’T FORGET! My intention over here at Donuts + Down Dog has always been to provide you endless free wellness content; workouts, mindfulness resources, guides, things to make you giggle and/or think, and more. A lot of that content is housed here as well as on Instagram and YouTube. If you have any ideas or requests, please let me know!


This quick workout delivers a deep burn to the legs using minimal equipment! You have the option to use bodyweight, a hand towel, or sliders if you have them...