February Workout Playlists, YAS!

Have you ever gone for a run without your headphones? Or gone to a workout class that had terrible music and it ruined your whole experience? I once was in a class that had such godawful music that I couldn't stop laughing and I was all by myself. I mean, my abs were really sore the next day, but it was so embarrassing and I'm sure pretty awkward for the ladies next to me. Who is this random crazy laughing girl?

One of my favorite parts of my job teaching fitness classes is making playlists. No matter what I pour my heart out about on the internet (#bloggerproblems), these are always the posts people ask for the most. I get it guys! You only like me for my music! It's whatever!

Since you only like my for my tunes and not my sparking personality, here are my three favorite playlists right now. They're hot off the press!

My favorite yoga playlist from January.

Some sassy songs for a more upbeat workout.

My February yoga playlist with some fun new artists.

All of my playlists are public and you can "follow" them using Spotify so that they'll show up under your playlists, too! Also some of my favorites from January are up here if you missed them.

Also, you can follow me on Spotify to stalk all the jams I am listening to and have immediate access to all my playlists.

I hope that you enjoy little babes! Shake your booty, get your sweat on, and let me know what your favorite songs are because I am always looking for new ones!

Love and donuts,

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