5 Minute Morning Intention-Setting Meditation

When I first decided to try meditation I did absolutely zero prep. I laid in my bed and tried really, really hard to stop thinking. Guess how well that worked?! Spoiler: it didn’t.

Thank god for meditation apps, am I right? I just don’t have the patience to sit and meditate solo most days. I need some guidance. As I’ve gotten deeper into meditation, I’ve learned to search for the kind of meditations that I need. So if I’m stressed AF, I will search for a calming meditation or something of the like. There are meditations for everything. I once found a meditation for manifesting bigger breasts. I kid you not.

If I’m being honest, some meditation recordings can be a little off-putting. What I’ve found often scares off beginners (myself included) is how alternative many of them can be. You know what I’m talking about: flowery language, banging gongs, cyclical chanting. When you’re just beginning to explore your own mindfulness practice it can all be too much! It’s too many new things to try at once!

In the interest of sharing what’s worked for me, I am proud to introduce my first meditation video. Eek! This is a simple morning meditation that you can do to set the tone for the day. I find that when I take the time to think about the mood I want to be in and how I want to feel that I am much less likely to end the day stressed. It’s crazy. It’s like you have a choice in how you interact with the world! (Inserts face palm and eye roll).

Like I say about 20 times in the video, these are the questions that I take myself through to chill out and get ready for the day. It’s super awkward to film yourself meditating, but I did it JUST FOR YOU. Let me know what you think!

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